Subclass 491 ACT nomination | How to apply

immigration lawyer melbourne subclass 491 act nomination
You can live and work in Canberra on a Subclass 491 visa

Subclass 491 ACT nomination | How to apply

Subclass 491 ACT nomination is for those who are interested in living and working in ACT or Australian Capital Territory on a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa. This visa is valid for 5 years with the ability to apply for permanent residency after 3 years (click here to learn more about Subclass 191).

For 2020-2021 financial year, Subclass 491 visa allocations are directed toward the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. What this mean is, ACT government will nominate applicants providing critical or specialist medical services, maintaining the supply of essential goods and services, and delivering services in sector critical to economic recovery.

Subclass 491 ACT nomination requirements

  • You must have at least 65 points, if nominated you will receive an extra 15 points toward your 65 points (click here to calculate your points)
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, your occupation must be in the ACT Critical Skills List
  • Lodge an EOI via SkillSelect
  • Lodge an EOI via Canberra Matrix. Once lodged, Canberra Matrix cannot be varied and is valid for 6 months. If you are offshore, you will not be nominated.
  • You must be invited to lodge Subclass 491 ACT nomination within 14 days of invitation
  • You should reside in Canberra (Canberra Resident 491) for at least 3 months and continue to reside until invitation. You must be working (appropriately paid continuous minimum of 20 hours per week in each of the 13 weeks before applying) for an ACT employer or self-employed (minimum income must be at least $500 per week) in Canberra for at least 3 months. The business must be actively operating in the ACT for at least 1 year. You will not be eligible for this stream if you and/or your dependent(s) are not living or working in the ACT. Your occupation must be in the ACT Critical Skills List or you are the primary holder of a Subclass 457 or 482 (click here to learn more about Subclass 482) visa  valid for at least 1 year sponsored by and been working for an ACT employer for at least 3 months.
  • Meet the Department’s requirements
  • Points given by the ACT government are according to the Canberra matrix scoring table.

If you are invited to lodge Subclass 491 ACT nomination and paid the fee ($300 as at November 2020), you will be notified of the result.

If you are granted a Subclass 491 on the basis of ACT nomination, you will be required to live and work in the ACT for at least 2 years. The ACT government may notify the Department if you breached your residence commitment.

If you are interested in Subclass 491 nomination by other States and Territories, click here:

If you are granted a Subclass 491 visa, visa condition 8579 will be imposed and you must live, work or study in a specified or designated area (click here to learn more).

Australian migration law is complex and difficult to understand, contact our immigration lawyer for a consultation (fee applies) to help you decide if Subclass 491 ACT nomination is right for you or click here to find other visas.

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This article is not intended to be or taken as migration legal advice. The author of this article disclaims any liability for any action or omission on the information provided or not provided in this article. You should always consult an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent to form an informed opinion on your immigration matter.

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