
Australian Citizenship granted to children born in Australia on their 10th birthday
Children abandoned in Australia are automatically granted Australian citizenship Citizenship for children abandoned in Australia because they are Australian citizen as defined in section 4 of the Australian Citizenship Act  2007 (‘ACA”) by reason of them being a “person …. found abandoned in Australia as a child” within the meaning for section 14. Section 14...
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Subclass 189 visa
If your occupation is one of the 17 in the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List, you will be given priority to come to Australia to work. PMSOL Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List, on 02 September 2020 the Australian government released a new priority skills list to allow a number of sponsored skilled workers to return...
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You can withdraw your visa application before it is granted Withdrawing visa application & sponsorship application – you may withdraw your visa application or sponsorship application at any time before the visa is granted or sponsorship is approved. If you are withdrawing visa application or sponsorship application, you will need to complete Form 1446 or...
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You visa may be cancelled if you are found to have provided an incorrect answer in your past visa application or incoming passenger card Section 109 incorrect answers visa cancellation – as a visa holder you must not provide an incorrect answer when completing a visa application or incoming passenger card even (s 98). This...
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Refugees with criminal history can be refused Protection visa Protection visa & character test – refugees failing character test can be denied a protection visa – the Full Court of Australia (KDSP v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2020] FCAFC 108) has overturned BAL19 v Minister for Home Affairs [2019] FCA...
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How do I sponsor members of my family to Australia? Bringing family to Australia – there are many temporary and permanent visas for you to bringing your family to Australia. In order for you to be able to sponsor your relative, you must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible NZ citizen. Bringing...
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Decision-maker has a duty to make inquiries before cancelling or refusing you a visa Visa cancelled visa refused – before the Department or AAT make an adverse decision, they have a duty to conduct a proper assessment and/or a duty to seek information and/or a duty to make obvious inquire about a critical fact that...
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immigration lawyer can help with AAT application
You must comply with AAT invitation to provide information or comment AAT invitation to provide information, including documents, under s 359 must be complied. If you failed to comply with the AAT invitation to provide information, the Tribunal may make a decision on your review application without taking further action to obtain the information. You...
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Decision-maker must engage in an active intellectual way with your evidence Appealing visa cancellation & refusal from the AAT to FCC (Federal Circuit Court) arguing that the AAT failed to engage in an active intellectual way with evidence and/or submissions provided. In the case of EGH19 v Minister for Home Affairs [2020] FCA 692, EGH19...
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section 57 letter to comment
After lodging your visa application you may be asked to comment or to provide information Section 57 natural justice letter to comment & invitation to give addition information. Information given in visa application must be considered by the Department to decide whether to grant or refuse you a visa. Information given in visa application can...
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