
subclass 189 visa NZ citizen
Subclass 189 permanent visa for NZ citizens living in Australia 189 visa for NZ citizen or Skilled independent subclass 189 (NZ stream) is a permanent visa for NZ citizens in Australia. 189 visa for NZ citizen requires them (cl. 189.211): to pass the character test(4001)not a security risk (4002)their presence in Australia not contrary to...
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Subclass 190 NSW Nomination
Bridging visa to allow you to remain in Australia Bridging visa – the purpose of bridging visa is to provide lawful status for you to remain in Australia if you: have made (or intend to make) in Australia applications for substantive visas that have not been finally determined (BVA, BVB, BVC, BVD Subclass 040, BVE...
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Visa extension for Hong Kong citizens – on 9 July 2020, the Prime Minister Office announced new visa arrangements for Hong Kong passport holders to remain in Australia after Hong Kong government introduced new national security laws criminalising dissent and opposition to Chinese (CCP) rule on Hong Kong. Visa extension for Hong Kong citizens who...
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relationship breakdown and partner visa
You could still be granted a permanent partner visa if you suffered from family violence Family violence and visa – if you are holding or last held a Prospective Marriage Subclass 300 visa (click here to learn more) and before you applied for a Partner Subclass 820 visa (click here to learn more), your relationship...
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Some visas required you to submit an expression of interest and be invited to apply SkillSelect expression of interest for skilled migration is required if you want to apply for the following visas: Independent Skilled Class SI Subclass 189Nominated Skilled Class SN Subclass 190Skilled Work Regional Class PS Subclass 491Business Innovation and Investment Class EB...
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ministerial intervention under sections 351, 417, 501J
If you have a protection visa refused or cancelled, you may not apply again unless the Minister lift the section 48A bar. Section 48B ministerial intervention to reapply for a protection visa – if you have applied and refused an onshore protection visa application, you are barred by s 48A from lodging another protection visa...
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Australian Citizenship granted to children born in Australia on their 10th birthday
There are 7 ways you can lose your Australian citizenship Giving up Australian citizenship or cessation of Australian citizenship – there are 7 ways you can lose your Australian citizenship. Australian citizenship is governed by the Australian Citizenship Act 2007. You may cease to be an Australian citizen by: Renouncing under s 33Engaging in certain...
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If you do not have a visa, you may request the Minister to grant you a visa under s 195A ministerial intervention power. Ministerial intervention power to grant a visa – if you are in Australia and you do not hold a valid visa for whatever reason, you may request the Minister under s 195A...
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ministerial intervention under sections 351, 417, 501J
Designed by brgfx / Freepik Ministerial intervention under sections 351, 417 and 501J – if your visa application has been refused and the AAT has affirmed the Department’s decision to refuse you the visa, you may request the Minister under s 351 or 417 or 501J to substitute to a more favourable. Ministerial intervention under...
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ministerial intervention under sections 351, 417, 501J
Lifting Section 46A bar to apply for a visa Section 46A ministerial intervention – if you are an unauthorised maritime arrival or UMA entered Australia by sea without a valid visa, you are barred by s 46A(1) from applying for a visa. However, you may request for ministerial intervention under s 46A(2) to lift the...
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